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Friends & Trust

I only have a few friends. I mean at my school there's about 320 people in my year alone and I do know most of them. But I wouldn't say that I have a lot of friends. I have a lot of acquaintance, yes. But not a lot of friends. And the very reason for this is trust.

I'm just that kind of guy who doesn't like to be disappointed by the people that I trust. Especially if I trust them a lot. And my preventive action to that is sort of qualifying the people that I know so I'm sure I'm being friends with the people that I can actually trust.

In Indonesia, having a a few friends is not really good in the social point of view. In fact if I were to say so myself, being an introvert or showing too many acts of introversion is like a social crime. My teacher once called me arrogant and selfish because I don't have a lot of friends. And that same exact teacher would probably still say the same now. The thing is that those people don't understand how it feels to be betrayed. To have your biggest secrets trusted to someone only so that they could spread it to the whole wide world. To have them entrusted with an important task so that they could deliberately fail you. It just sucks.

I just thought that I would post a little something concerning this topic. So the point is, I'd rather have like 5 actual friends than 1000 people who I call "friends" but in the end fail me.


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