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You Might Need Brand New Eyes

In this post I will complain about something... Because I am sort of good at it HAHA. (Okay, that capitalised laugh is a lame)

Okay, so have you ever argued with people who always thinks that they're always right without even giving the slightest assumption that the opposition maybe, just maybe, is in fact the right side? Those people deserve high-fives. In the face. With a chair. Twice. From Hulk. HAHA (I'm sure you've heard that joke before) (lame). But anyway, what I'm trying to say is that these people are really slowing down the advancement of the human race in a way. Why? Because I guess two of the things that a 21st century human must have is respect and an open-mind. If you don't have even one of these then by all means I have the right to call you an "utter prick" or a "douche" the Americans might say.

These people tend to think that no matter what, they're always right. And that is indeed stupid. You're lucky if this person that you happen to meet in your social-environment doesn't have power or some sort of "gravitas", to put it in a fancy way. But if he has that, then you might be fucked especially when you have to discuss a certain matter with him and you happen to oppose his views in that matter. I have experienced this. My school headmaster is, I would personally say, this type of person.

And so here comes the title of this blogpost. "You Might Need Brand New Eyes". I came up with this title because I remembered what Hayley Williams said when Paramore's "Brand New Eyes" album came out. She basically said that the album gives a message that sometimes you need to see things with a set of brand new eyes. Which in case you still don't get it, she meant a totally different perspective. That way you can respond to anything and everything in the fairest way possible. And that also means that the people that oppose you has the exact same chance to win an argument or to influence a decision-making meeting (that is, of course, not yet putting the views of both parties into calculation yet).

So if you happen to be one of these people, please don't neglect the fact you are and please stop being a prick to the human race. With lots of love, Fakhri.


  1. (((((My school headmaster is, I would personally say, this type of person.)))))


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