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Showing posts from November, 2015

Why I Think Selflessness is So Important

As you guys know, or might not know (in that case I would gladly tell you), we live in this planet called Earth. Thing is, we don't live here alone, or with just a few family members, neighbours, or other people who are physically and mentally close to us. We live here with a lot of people. 7 billion in that respect. And because we have more human from time to time inhabiting this Earth, competition grows within us. And with competition, comes ignorance. We feel the need to care less about the people who don't matter to us directly. Individualism. Most of us are overshadowed by the notion that if we give room to care about somebody else (who is in need of care) then we would have less room for ourselves and therefore we might lose this so called "competition" because our contenders might not think about other people. So then the "logical" move would be to not let that happen because of course we want to win the competition. But to be honest, I don...