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Control (The Absence of it)

It doesn't sound like much. But you'll eventually realise how important control is when you don't have it. When your actions don't affect the situation in any way at all. It's as if the trajectory and the speed of a rock you throw has nothing to do with how you throw it. I don't need to have a PhD to tell you that a condition of such is absolutely inconvenient.

The implications of not being able to have control can prove disastrous. For example it could spark this thing called "learned helplessness". "What the bloody hell is that?" you might ask. Well, I find it hard to explain but I am fairy certain that you will find what you seek here. It's basically this condition where you allegedly thought that you don't have control over the current situation that you begin to doubt the things you have in mind aimed on trying take control or utilise the situation, therefore you don't bother to do it. In some cases, it's true that you don't have control at all. But in some others, not true. Learned helplessness becomes a problem when the situation is more of the latter.

Your mind convinces you that the situation you're in is something beyond your power. Maybe the situation seems so tough that you think all you can do is nothing at all. What if there is something you can do? I know the sceptics would immediately follow-up with "Well yeah, but what if it's the opposite?" Well if it is the opposite then let God or nature or the rule of probability or whatever the heck you believe in continue the game. But most people make the mistake of not actually confirming first. How do you know you don't have control over the current situation? Well, I don't know. Keep on trying, I guess? Maybe the chances aren't big. But until you know for sure, you have no justification to prejudge the it. Because prejudging makes you a loser. And losers are people with learned helplessness.

So if you don't have control of the situation and your life is getting shittier by the second, then wait until you do have control and flip things around. And if you do have control, that you should know that it means you have choice. To get up and do something or just sit around until you no longer have control over the situation only to then regret things that you didn't do before. Your choice.


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