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What I've Been Up To: Managing Pressure

   I have not been blogging for years... I'm not sure whether that's actually a bad thing or a good thing because I'm not even sure as to whether there is even a single human being out there who would willingly take very valuable minutes of their precious lives just to read the bullshits that I post. Lol. But anyways, I haven't gave up on blogging. But the truth is just that it's actually very hard to find the time nowadays with my routine and stuff, and usually when you eventually get the time, you don't know what to write about. However, under the assumption that you, my dearest visitor, care about my posts (or lack thereof), worry not. Because at this very moment, I do have something that I'd like to write and hang up on my Blog. And what's more appropriate then sharing what I've been up to with you guys and also how I feel about them.
     So as some of you might or might not know, currently I'm on the 2nd year of Senior High. Last year, I've been trying to explore as many things as I could possibly explore. And I did explore a lot of things from extracurricular activities to debating, school organisations, internal and external events, and so on. From all of those activities and creative projects, I was able to learn a plethora of things. But besides that, what I also learnt is the fact that I'm not designed to fit in each and every one of them. There are some areas that just don't quite fit me because of my characteristics as a person and the mindset that I hold on many things. And because of that I decided to devote my 2nd year to  the things that I actually think I'm good at and the things that I love doing. And currently, I'm deeply involved in those things which I can't quite tell you yet.
     Working on projects and non-academical stuffs is actually really fun. But on the other side of things, it creates a series of problems that you need to deal with. One of the hardest problems that I managed to come upon is sort of separating and managing my projects and also my personal life. Working on many projects means that I have to sacrifice leisure, energy, and other nice things that are usually available to you at any given time. On several occasions, it can be really hard to manage between professional and personal. When your deadlines come closer and your tasks start to build up you start to lose the time that you usually use to just spend time with the people that you love. And you know that you do need to spend time with the people that you love because you need them to be able to get through those deadlines and tough tasks. But the more you spend time with them, the more slow your progress becomes. That slow progress can accumulate to bigger problems on the professional side of your life. Whilst at the same time trying to beat the deadlines and finish the tasks quickly is a bit complicated to do and in some cases, it's just impossible to be able to finish them quickly. So yeah, it is quite problematic and complicated.
     The next thing that I worry about is pressure coming from my parents. My parents are the kind of parents that are very straight forward when it comes to education. They want me to get good grades so that I can go to a good university and be a successful person. But to me that sounds very very very very very boring. It's just ridiculously boring. I want to feel adventurous and wild and be able to obtain all the knowledge and experience in every possible area of expertise. But you know, parents being parents, they always get angry to a certain level whenever I can't deliver in academic grounds. From a certain way of viewing, this is actually a good thing for me because my parents can act as some sort of control for me so that I don't get too carried away. But it becomes problematic when you take the fact that I become more pressurised with the thought of them "caging" me when I make a mistake.

     There are obviously many more problems when it comes to the things that I've been up to. But if I were to talk about them here that you could spend days sitting in front of your screen reading and obviously you and I don't want that. So now let's get to the conclusion. I'm in a lot of pressure. I mean I get the part that this is nothing compared to the whole lot of people out there experiencing a whole lot more pressure than I am. I completely understand that and I'm not here to rant about how miserably my life is or whatever. I absolutely respect the people out there struggling with their respective problems. I made this post because I wanted to share my experience on my blog. Nothing more nothing less. And so, I'm in a lot of pressure. Then the question is, what's the solution? I'm still trying to figure that part out. Up until today. But at the very least, it's good to know that you're not alone and there are lots of people out there willing to help you. Thanks for taking the time to read :)


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