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What do You Like to do? | Connor Franta - A Simple Question

What do you like to do? A simple question indeed. "For such a simple question there are an endless amount of answers." says Connor. There are an endless amount of answers indeed. In this video Connor talks about one thing he likes to do; take photos. He tells that he takes photos with his iPhone because of the convenience and the simplicity. In the video he excepts the fact that he's not the best photographer but man his Instagram's filled with amazing (or "dope" as most American's would say) photos ( @connorfranta ).

If I were to be asked this question, I honestly don't know how to answer. I mean I like to take photos myself, I like to play football, play guitar, listen to music, watch YouTube videos, and many many more. But the thing is that none of those things I like have really reached a level where I could be proud of them. And when I haven't felt proud about something I do, I feel reluctant on telling it to people.

But if there is something that I'm really working on so that in the end I could be proud of it, It's definitely sharing my ideas. There's something incredibly satisfying about being able to share what you think to a lot of people. Being able to be heard feels amazing. That's why I made this Blog and I try my best to keep on writing on it as often as I could. Even though there aren't many people tuning in to my Blog (or maybe there aren't at all, haha). It's still something that I would do. It's something that I love.

One day I also want to open up a YouTube channel and hopefully become a successful YouTuber. I wanna make vlogs and really cool videos. But anyway, until then I would really like to keep this Blog going. And for you guys who are reading this right now, thank you for making me happy by adding 1 view to my viewcount. It honestly does give me a smile :)

Now it's your turn to answer the question. What do you like to do?


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