If you look at this video with your eyes normally and process it with your brain normally too, then you'll pretty much see this video as a simple vlog made black and white, muted, and with music added to fill the background. But if you try to feel this video then you'll understand that this vlog is a piece of art representing happiness, love, joy, fun, and other great feelings. Will Darbyshire made it happen.
Will is pretty much a newcomer on YouTube. His channel was made a year and a bit ago. I knew him from Jack and Finn Harries' Rickshaw Run where they did this crazy adventure trying to cross India from one end to another with rickshaws (or tuck-tucks or whatever). It's really cool you better check it out (JacksGAP - Rickshaw Run). Anyway I like Will's videos because.. emm.. I don't know. I just like his taste and his personality (which hard to explain). Just watch it and (hopefully) you'll get what I mean.
In this "38. Sunday" video (Will likes to put numbers in front of his video titles for some reason) it captures Will and his girlfriend, Arden, having fun in what seems to be a Sunday. The thing that makes it special is that this video (along with their activities in it) don't seem to look really "big" you know. It's a simple. Just a Sunday walk around town visiting cool places, eating what seems to be a really tasty cereal, and you know, just normal stuff. Yet it seems that this video gives you an enormous amount of happiness (well maybe I'm exaggerating but you get the idea). It's just really really comforting you know. Well maybe you don't know but try watching the video and maybe you'll get it.
And don't forget to check out other videos from Will cause he makes awesome content. I will come up with another blogpost soon (hopefully tomorrow). See ya!
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